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Importance of faecal biomarkers and the microbiome’s role in child health and disease… Is it really all about the poop? - Dr. Ben Gold

Importance of faecal biomarkers and the microbiome’s role in child health and disease… Is it really all about the poop? - Dr. Ben Gold

Development and evolution of the gut:brain axis - Dr. Peter Lu

Development and evolution of the gut:brain axis - Dr. Peter Lu

Hot topics in bioactive nutrition – gangliosides - Dr. Ryan Carvalho

Hot topics in bioactive nutrition – gangliosides - Dr. Ryan Carvalho

The Role of Polar lipids in brain & cognitive development

The Role of Polar lipids in brain & cognitive development

Brain & Cognitive Development: A Focus on Myelination and Executive Functions

Brain & Cognitive Development: A Focus on Myelination and Executive Functions

Toddler Sociability

Toddler Sociability

The Gut-Brain Axis and Development of Functional GI Disorders

The Gut-Brain Axis and Development of Functional GI Disorders

The Brain Gut Connection

The Brain Gut Connection