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Nutritional Topic
The Learning Lead - Volume 4, 2020 - Nutrition and Executive Functions in Children

The Learning Lead - Volume 4, 2020 - Nutrition and Executive Functions in Children

The ability to coordinate one’s thoughts, feelings, and actions depends on the development of a specific set of…

HMO and Cognitive development



Nutrition and Learning in Early Childhood: The Cognitive Implications. Dr. Eden Igbafe

Benefits of Breastfeeding for Asthma Prevention

New Research Uncovers Benefits of Breastfeeding for Asthma Prevention

Sphingomyelin in the Brain and Cognitive Development

Sphingomyelin in the Brain and Cognitive Development-Dr Agatha N. David

Effect of quality nutrition on human brain development

Effect of quality nutrition on human brain development - Pr Idowu Senbanjo

Nutrition and Learning in Early Childhood: The Cognitive Implications

Nutrition and Learning in Early Childhood-The Cognitive Implications-Dr. Uduak Offiong

Dr. Nora Schneider - Learning & Brain Development

Dr. Nora Schneider - Learning & Brain Development

Dr Gisella Mutungi - Nutrition and brain development - (DHA, choline & lutein)

Nutrition and brain development - (DHA, choline & lutein)- Dr. Gisella Mutungi

Dr. Gisella Mutungi (Wyeth Nutrition)
Ryan Carvalho, MD - The Fats of life in early childhood brain development

Ryan Carvalho, MD - The Fats of life in early childhood brain development

When Executive Functions Go Wrong - Prof. Hooper

When Executive Functions Go Wrong - Prof. Hooper

Impact of Oligofructose supplementation on fecal microbiota, stool characteristics, and Hydration status in infants

Impact of Oligofructose supplementation on fecal microbiota, stool characteristics, and Hydration status in infants

Food Consumption Patterns of Infants and Toddlers: Where Are We Now?

Food Consumption Patterns of Infants and Toddlers: Where Are We Now?

Healthcare professionals were hosted to successful workshops on Achieving Developmental Milestones

Healthcare professionals were hosted to successful workshops on Achieving Developmental Milestones

Brain Nutrients: Where & How They Work Together to Support Cognitive Development and Learning

Brain Nutrients: Where & How They Work Together to Support Cognitive Development and Learning